Saturday, January 5, 2008

Franchise Trade Shows

The hard part is over. You’ve assessed your finances, determined what industry you are interested in, and now you’re ready to narrow it down to the chosen one. The best way to examine your options is to attend a trade show.

First things first -- more research. If possible, obtain a list of participating franchises and narrow them down to the ones in your interest and price range. Then do a little investigating. Google the franchisors and see what you can find. Start a list of any possible questions or comments you might have. A good short list would be the initial investment required, a typical day in the franchise, and product supply information.

The day of the show it is important to keep a few things in mind. The franchises that are at the trade show only make up a very small percentage of those that are available for you. It is also essential to remember that you are selling yourself to these companies as well. You want to be taken seriously as a prospect so wear a suit and bring extra business cards.

Be sure to collect any handouts supplied by the franchises that interest you the most. Leave your contact information and get theirs. After the show organize any materials and set up meetings with representatives from those you feel most serious about.

Franchise trade shows are a great way for shoppers to examine the market and get a lot of information up front. And the best part of trade shows? They happen often and in most major cities.

-- Lady McFranchise

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